© B2Bioworld 2024

OECD AI principles: Who will implement these and how?

OECD revised its AI principles to regulate booming AI uses and harmonise global fragmentation of regulation. Some loopholes remain for AI providers, governments and businesses alike.Read more ...

Krones: Opportunities in Emerging Markets and Managing Volatile Environments

Despite being affected by tight industry environments stock listed Krones Group is surprisingly unagitated. B2Bioworld enquired with Christoph Klenk, CEO of one of the largest beverage filling and packaging machinery companies in the world on strategies countering the current crisis and paving the path to growth. However, major risks are ahead, and success is not a foregone conclusion.Read more ...

Automated Valet Parking More Than Nice To Have

Automotive suppliers and car manufacturers are gearing up for autonomous driving. A challenging field is automated valet parking (AVP) which recently received green light by regulators. B2Bioworld asked Rolf Nicodemus at Bosch and AVP inventor about competitive propositions, testing experience outside Germany, use cases, and the challenges to go to market in varying cultural contexts.Read more ...

Making Money With Data


Steering Health Data For or By?

The User as Stakeholder, Expert, Citizen, Consumer, and Patient - Thomas Szucs, Chairman of Swiss Helsana Group on putting “big data” to work in insurance and healthcare Read more ...

Managers of Disease Meet Masters of Personal Health

Ursula B. Redeker, CEO of Roche Germany, about using digital tools to tap “big health data” of users, with an introduction by B2BioworldRead more ...