© IMF 2024

"Failure is part of our business" ... but

Reinhard Pfeiffer, CEO of Messe München Group confronts tricky questions by B2Bioworld about shareholder value, regional expansion, trade fair competition as well as mitigating geopolitical risks. A look behind results reveals setbacks as well as opportunities whilst manoeuvering in uncertain environments with high expectations.Read more ...

Museums Switching between TikTok-length and Nuance - Currying Favour, Muddling Through, or Enligthenment

Rebecca Johnson, Chief Scientist National Museum of Natural History of the U.S. Smithsonian Institution talks about aspiring a global reach while comparing to other museums and managing tensions between goals and WIPO initiatives regarding traditional knowledge, climate change, or creationism. About winning Generation Z, compressing information into social media-length, or teaching what science “is”. Complemented by an analysis how museums fluctuate between currying favours, muddling through, and enlightenment.Read more ...

Roller Coaster of a Pan-African Automotive Market

- Inside Auto Industry Diplomacy

Opportunities and disappointments of creating a pan-African automotive market for the industry. David Coffey, CEO of AAAM details what has been achieved in discreet negotiations and in hands-on activities. On gridlocks and regulatory suprise, government’s manoeuvering, or vehicle production volumes. Will indigenous carmakers benefit? Will development wither away? What about batteries, or alternative fuels?Read more ...